Schools Projects

Schools are the hub of the community. This is where students are educated, parents meet, children are fed and events happen.  Unfortunately, only 30% of schools across East Africa have access to adequate sanitation facilities.

We work alongside school communities so they become self sufficient and have good access to water and toilets. Several visits are made to assess the needs of the school and have a working plan forward. When funds are in, we start the building process.

School projects include latrines (toilets), water tanks, guttering, health education programs, desktop water filters and mentoring programs. At times, we see extra needs of the school like textbooks or learning materials and where we can, we assist.

When we work at schools, we employ locals to be a part of our teams. We also buy as many goods as possible from the nearest town. Thus, we build into the local economy and upskill people who can then get further employment with what they have learnt.

Establishing sanitation facilities impacts schools and the wider community. 

We bring dignity into students lives through giving new underwear, mentoring programs and at times school supplies

Most school buildings don’t have any form of guttering, leaving valuable rainwater to escape unutilised.

If you would like to be a part of improving the educational life of a child, you can make a donation